I-Hunan JAFAUTO Technology Co., Ltd., ethandwa ngu Ningde Contemporary Electric Technology Co., Ltd. (cETL) kanye neJiaxing Qianji Private Funds Co., Ltd., wathumela isivumelwano ngo-2024 ukuthuthukisa amabhilidi amabili ayilithathu yezimali ukwakha i-headquarters yase-Smart Electric Vehicle (SEV), i-R&D kanye nezindawo zokwenza izinto. I-Phase I ithumela ukwakha amabhilidi amabili ayilithathu yezimali kanye nezindawo zokwenza izinto, ngesikhathi esizovakashela kuyoba nge-800 million yuan; i-Phase II ithumela ukwakha amabhilidi amane ayilithathu ezimali ukwakha i-SEV base enezimo yokwenza izinto yezinyanga ezingu-500,000. Ekufikeni ekwenziwe imisebenzi, kuyoba nge-10 billion yuan kanye nezinqubo zokufaka imali eziningi kwezinyanga ezingu-300 million yuan.

I-JAFAUTO inezindawo eziningi ezise-Changsha, ithumela ukwakha amacebo amabili okwenza izinto, amathuba amathathu okwenza izinto ezindaweni ezimbili kanye nokuhlanganisa izindawo ezine zezwe ezingu-4. I-impahla inamathuba amaningi ezomshini ezithintekile ezithintekile kwi-imoto, ezithintekile kwi-imoto, izinhlelo zokusebenza ezintsha, kanye nezinhlelo. Nokho, i-JAFATO inamathuba okwenza izinto ezithintekile kwi-imoto kanye nokwenza izinto ezithintekile ezithintekile ezithintekile. I-JAFATO futhi inamathuba yokwenza izinto ezithintekile kanye nokwenza izinto ezithintekile ezithintekile ezithintekile. I-JAFAUTO futhi ithumela ukuthuthukisa isicelo sokwenza izinto ezithintekile kanye nokwenza izinto ezithintekile ukuze kube nokwakhiwa okuphelele kanye nokwakhiwa okuphelele.

Ngesikhathi sakhe esihlala, i-JAFAUTO ithumela ukulancisha i-SEV yakhe ethuthukisiwe kakhulu, eyayithuthukisiwe kanye nokwenziwe. Ekugcineni, i-bhatri, i-imoto kanye nezinhlelo zokusebenza zase-JAFAUTO SEV zithokoziswe ngokuphathelene nge-Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) kanye ne-cETL. Ngokusho kwezimoto ezimbili kanye nezimoto ezithintekile ezithintekile ezithintekile, i-SEV yase-JAFAUTO iyathinta isikhungo esiphila esiphila esiphila esiphila. Okunye, imakethe yezokuthengisa izobe ishintsha izindawo zonke zokuthengisa kanye nezokuthengisa zezwe, kusukela kwi-B2B kanye ne-B2C kusuka kwi-Afrika, i-Middle East kanye ne-Afrika, i-Amerika, kanye ne-Europe.

I-JAFAUTO iyathuthukisa izinyathelo ezinhlelweni. Sifuna ukuthi sibe ngumqondisi kwi-sekthi yezokuthuthukisa okusezingeni eliphezulu kanye nokunikeza izixazululo zokuhamba kwezinyathelo ezimangalisayo kwezwe wonke emqondweni, ngendlela ethobekile, esalungile, kanye nezokwenza okuhle.

High efficiency, low carbon travel

With a firm pace to the future, determined to become a leader in the field of intelligent travel

Core business

Corporate culture and values

Unique selling point

Future planning

Set R & D, production, sales, after-sales in one

Uphold the concept of "innovation, dedication, altruism", and constantly promote the company's development

In the active balance control technology, full stack self-developed 100% intellectual property rights, has a wealth of vehicle design and sales management experience

The company will focus on the "one general, two, three supporting, four overseas" strategic deployment worldwide

Product superiority

Create a better travel experience for users around the world

Fill the gap in the market

Form differentiated competition with two-wheelers and low-speed four-wheelers to make up for market vacancies and correspond to trillion-level markets; It also has a number of automotive patented technologies, including power total bearing class, active suspension class, intelligent control class, fixed device class

Be sought after

Cut into the fully enclosed three-wheeled pure electric market, compared with the two-wheeled vehicle has no matter the unparalleled safety and comfort, while having the flexibility and convenience of micro-electric vehicles.

Product strength

Active balance control technology, full stack self-developed 100% intellectual property rights, the future of urban smart short-distance travel leader

We believe our machines can support you at every stage of use.

+86  13818407905


A060, 2nd Floor, Comprehensive Building, Hunan University Science and Technology Industrial Park, No. 001 Xintian North Road, Ningxiang High tech Industrial Park, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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E-mail: zhaimx@jafauto.com 
